BE HAPPIER! Claim Your [FREE]"I Get To!"® Book

Nov 26, 2019


 Are you happy and filled with gratitude today? If not, I get it! 

Too often in the past, I waited to feel grateful, not realizing it was actually a choice. I am very grateful today. NOT because there's been a lack of challenges or because everything has gone hunky-dory-just-as-planned, at all.  Rather, because I’m simply choosing gratitude!

Tomorrow's my birthday and I'm humbled and grateful for where my life is; my health / wellness, my family, my career / business.  So to celebrate, I’m giving YOU a gift – grab my "I Get To!"® book while it’s available for FREE!  

Click here to get your book.

You may know my "I Get To!"® message is more than a message for me - it's a mission because I’ve seen the difference it’s made in people’s lives around the world in the last 20 years.  I used to say it went to my bones.  After a very scary health issue last year, (more on that story later) my "I Get To!"® went further – it went clear to my bone-marrow.  Amazing the power mortality motivation has, right?

Also, fun fact, Mark and I just celebrated the anniversary of our first kiss - 40 years ago - on his birthday. :)  I know what you're thinking... "Joan, were you 9 years old?" And that's WHY I love you! In fact, if you were thinking that, please grab TWO BOOKS for yourself!

I love Abraham Lincoln’s quote: “I’ve come to realize people are about as happy as they make their minds up to be.”

Even if you don’t see it yet, take it from me, 2020 has amazing things comin' for you and I, my friend!  I believe we’re going to experience a whole new level of God’s blessings!

Clearly, happiness is an inside job and it’s determined by how we choose to view life around us – it comes down to our PERSPECTIVE. 

I am grateful for you and to you – so be sure to grab your FREE book now and share this link to the blog and FREE offer with all of those you care about, ok? 

So much love to you and yours!

Joan Endicott
Keynotes / Coaching / Author



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