No one could have predicted where our world would be on September 2, 2020.
Even if I don’t know exactly what you’re going through, I know there is enormous challenges and heartache for so many right now. I want you to know, as I type this, I am praying for you and your loved ones. I pray for you to experience God's peace, comfort and joy--regardless of circumstances that are beyond your control.
Back in March when the world shifted, I was in Las Vegas speaking for one of my favorite clients, who owns healthcare clinics. Walking through the airport felt surreal, almost like a twilight zone episode. The line that normally has over two hundred people in it had no one. Nada. Zip. Zero. Literally there was not one single soul between myself and the woman sitting at the security gate. To lighten the awkward feeling, I waved at her and laughed, saying, “I’ll be there as soon as I can get there.” She chuckled and said, “No hurry. Take your time.” When I got there, I said, “Well, I’v...
Are you living in a place of peace or, like many, pressing the panic button? It’s more important than ever to do what you can do to protect your peace to show up as your best, regardless of what others are doing.
Here’s more proven coaching tips and tools that help you in the midst of challenging times. 1) Guard your Heart and Mind 2) Feed your Faith, not your Fears 3) Focus on what YOU can Control in Your World. 4) Evaluate Everything – Ask, “Is it building up or tearing down?” 5) Choose the Power of Prayer over Panic.
Grab Your FREE Copy of Joan’s “I Get To!” Book here:
Clearly there are numerous challenges... especially health and economic! Every day we get to pray for ALL those giving and receiving help!
I am so grateful for the classic film, It’s a Wonderful Life, that reminds us of the power each of us has to choose how we look at anything in life. George Bailey is one of my favorite examples of one who completely changed his outlook on his personal financial crisis, simply by changing his perspective towards it. It’s the perfect reminder for us all, whether it’s a personal or global challenge.
Remind yourself every day, “Every Moment of Every Day ‘I Get To!’® Choose my Attitude and Perspective.
Grab Your FREE Copy of Joan’s “I Get To!” Book here:
Keeping the right perspective is especially important in the midst of some of life's challenges right now – whether it's your health, relationships, business, finances or other life issues. (click below for the beautiful snowy video I filmed on my iPhone during record setting snow fall!) :)
Now more than ever, everyone needs encouragement and hope along with a gentle reminder of the power of our own perspective. Frank Capra’s classic movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life” offers just that.
The movie opens with various loved ones offering up prayers for George Bailey (portrayed by Jimmy Stewart) who is at a place of desperation in his life. We then see and hear the dialogue between stars in the heavens, representing angels talking to God. Joseph (the senior angel) and God are talking to Clarence (the apprentice angel) about George Bailey. God tells him “A man down on Earth needs our help.” Clarence says, “Splendid! Is he sick?” “No, worse-he’s discouraged,” Joseph replies. “At exactly 10:4...
Are you happy and filled with gratitude today? If not, I get it!
Too often in the past, I waited to feel grateful, not realizing it was actually a choice. I am very grateful today. NOT because there's been a lack of challenges or because everything has gone hunky-dory-just-as-planned, at all. Rather, because I’m simply choosing gratitude!
Tomorrow's my birthday and I'm humbled and grateful for where my life is; my health / wellness, my family, my career / business. So to celebrate, I’m giving YOU a gift – grab my "I Get To!"® book while it’s available for FREE!
You may know my "I Get To!"® message is more than a message for me - it's a mission because I’ve seen the difference it’s made in people’s lives around the world in the last 20 years. I used to say it went to my bones. After a very scary health issue last year, (more on that story later) my "I Get To!"® went further – it went clear to my bone-marrow. Amazing the power mortality moti...