Hi! I'm Joan.

An entrepreneur, keynote speaker, author
and unshakable optimist dedicated to helping you 
enjoy living a life of success, significance and 
meaningful contribution.


I believe we are all created by a loving God - all unique and beautiful with equal value and worth. Growing up, I didn’t know that. I mean, I knew it intellectually but because of neglect and abuse as a child, I had no compass for truly owning my own worth.

Psychology proves that to thrive, every child needs four things: Safety, Security, Significance and Love.

My little girl heart lacked all four. In spite of that, I was an entrepreneur by age 8. I mean c’mon, a girl needs candy money, right?

Fortunately, I was blessed with mentors and role-models who loved me unconditionally and helped me begin my spiritual and personal growth journey. So as a young adult, stirred with compassion for others who had similar hurts and heartaches, I began sharing what I learned with teen groups, hoping to help them avoid some of the land mines I knew were out there - but loving influencers helped me avoid. Seeking a platform to influence even more children and teens, I sought and received the title of Mrs. Idaho Int’l. Having never had a desire to be in a pageant, I felt truly connected to Sandra Bullock when I saw the movie, Miss Congeniality.

Fast forward 3 decades later (golly gee that sounds old)...

I’m so blessed that I love what I get to do in life and have my work and book endorsed by such legends as Stephen R. Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Bob Burg, The Go-Giver, Mark Sanborn, The Fred Factor, and Ken Blanchard, The New One Minute Manager - who also wrote the forward for my “I Get To!” book. Sometimes I need to pinch myself when I think about the incredible opportunities I’ve been given to share my life’s work and mission with people, speaking from stage, as well as coach individuals in over 20 countries across 6 continents.

Along with my “I Get To!” trademarked mission and book, I have created programs that serve clients either through Keynotes, Training, Retreats as well as our Coaching.

  • Along with hosting my own radio show, I enjoy being a featured guest on numerous shows from KBOI sports talk radio to KIZN country radio and now podcasts.
  • Chosen as Mrs. Idaho, International
  • Been a member: National and Global Speakers Assoc. and Experts Industry Assoc.
  • Nominated numerous years for the BBB “Integrity Counts Award”
  • Joan and her husband Mark were married December 20, 1980. They were awarded Marriage Ambassadors by Healthy Families Network for their example and contributions to healthy marriage and families.
  • Chosen as a “Woman of the Year” by IBR
  • Featured guest on numerous NBC / KTVB news at noon business segments.

O.K. now for the FUN trivia stuff:

Evidently I was born with a pioneering spirit . . .

  • Started my own business at 8, then expanded my business empire at 10 years old as the first female “paper boy” for the Oregonian newspaper in Portland, OR.
  • In high school, I was the first female “box boy” for Fred Meyer in Gresham, OR. (changing the name to “parcel person”).
  • I was the first female to take wood-shop in high school.
  • The biggest fish I’ve caught (so far) is a 29-inch steel-head.
  • I climbed Mt. Hood in Oregon – Elevation 11,237 feet
  • January 2018, I got to swim with 2 rescued dolphins in Puerto Villarta, Mexico
  • At 40-something, I played one season of Women’s Ice Hockey ~ resulting in shoulder surgery…(for the rest of that story, see chapter 3 in my “I Get To!” book)

Yep, I no longer play Ice Hockey. 🙂

It’s always an honor to receive awards and recognition for work well done and contributions made, but of all my titles and “awards” in life, I am most grateful for the blessing of getting to be a wife to my faithful husband Mark since 1980, assisting God in the miracle of bringing three incredible human beings into the world, and now being “GiGi” to our gorgeous grand babies.

Love to work with:

Sooo, all that background, brings us to who I LOOOVE workin’ with. I actually do the Happy Dance getting to work with clients who are excited and ready to roll up their sleeves to elevate everything in life...or, maybe just feeling stuck or struggling in one of these areas: Self, Relationships, Career, Finances and Health.

I work with people like you, who’ve already achieved a certain level of success in life, but we both know there’s another level you want. Which you should. Hey, friend, I believe with every fiber in me, that God designed us with a Divine Destiny and unless we are on that path, we feel frustrated, anxious, ill-at-ease and incongruent. When we are doing our life’s work, even if going slower than we’d like (welcome to the human condition, right? 😉 ) we feel a contentment in our soul. Isn’t THAT awesome-tactic?

I’ve been blessed to coach individuals in over 20 countries across 6 continents and I can tell you this FO-SHO; in our humanity, we are 97% the same as our brothers and sisters across the street or across the globe who may be a different nationality, race, religion, background, education, culture and world-view.

As previously mentioned, we all have the same God-given needs woven into us for safety, security, significance and love. One challenge as we grow older is not feeding those big ugly twin GIANTS called “Negativity” and “Limiting Beliefs”, either through what others think - our circumstances - or our own shame and insecurities. Most of us don’t even realize how crippled we are by our own unconscious thoughts until we start thinking about what we’re thinking about.

AAAnd that’s where I come in!

Clients say some of my Super-Powers are helping them uncover and discover those intimidating GIANTS in life that have kept them playing too small for too long.

I help you Identify and slay those BIG-FAT-UGLY GIANTs in life, who can either whisper in your ear as you’re lying in bed trying to sleep - or they shout over the noisiest of traffic jams. I am an expert at handing you the stones you need to slay them, so you can enjoy “A David Mentality in a Goliath World”.

These dudes are goin’ down my friend – NOW IS YOUR TIME to overcome feelings and faulty thinking, like:

  • Who am I to...
  • Blame or excuse
  • Not enough-ness
  • Lacking Self-Worth
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Paralyzing Perfectionism
  • Negativity and Limiting Beliefs
  • Need to please or for Others Approval (I’m a certified recovering approval addict myself!

Thank you so much for connecting today!

Whether you’re signing up today to get my free video blogs to keep your batteries recharged or you want to get more information on working with me to get more out of life NOW, I’m thrilled we’re connected and I’m excited for the journey ahead.

So much love,



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